Investment Tips in Growing Your Money for 2020 

Investment is just a broad topic. There are several things to consider before putting your money into something and actually working your way towards its’ growth. Although there are those who work as a natural when it comes to money management, newbies often find it difficult to risk. Before embarking on a new journey involving money, do make sure that you know the basics.

There are countless investment tips. You can even enroll in some online classes to have a full understanding of how it works. Reading and studying your every investment move is essential as it can either make or break your plans. Going through different pages and studies may be overwhelming, which makes it important for you to choose and focus on something you’re passionate about.

Read on and get a few tips when it comes to investing for beginners:  

Investment 101 

It is essential to understand what investment is. To make it easier to understand, it’s putting your money into something that can grow over time. It’s either placing it on a commodity that will increase its value or buying a portion of the company. Keep in mind that nothing brings money into the table without exerting effort. It takes time to grow your investments, and you don’t need a hefty amount to get started.

Where to Invest? 

There are different ways and areas where you can throw in your investments. We’ve compiled a few to help you decide. Read on to get an idea where:

  1. Stock Market

The Stock Market is the most common investment option. Though the bigger you’d put in means the bigger the return will be, it can still pose as a risky move if it’s something you’re unfamiliar with. When buying stocks, make sure you’d carefully choose which market you’ll put your money to. In doing so, you will be able to own a portion of the company, although it may be a small chunk, but if you’d choose the right market, you’d still earn.

  1. Investment Bonds

Investment Bonds is when you’d loan money into a company, or the government. By doing so, the entity that you loan money to will be paying you interest. Though it may have a lower return rate compared to stocks, it is, however, less risky compared to the latter.

  1. Mutual Funds

Having a mutual fund means pushing your investments towards multiple stocks in one purchase. Unlike buying a single stock, the one in mutual fund is usually managed by a mutual fund manager. The downside is, fund managers, hold a percentage fee once you’d invest in their mutual fund.

  1. Savings Accounts

Savings accounts are by far the most common and least risky, but it holds the slowest turnaround time when it comes to earning. There are those who would just place their money on a savings account, and allow it to grow interest. The majority place their money on a savings account mainly because it is something readily available in a bank. Initially, it is done so that the individual can open a bank account, not to earn or invest.

  1. Physical Commodities

Unlike other investments that are coursed through banks, physical commodities are quite different. These often act as a safeguard, most especially in hard economic times.

These are just investment options that you might want to think about and consider. It is being suggested that the best time to throw in investments is during your 20s. You may have gone past that age, but keep in mind that it’s never too late to consider that you don’t need a finance degree to be able to let your money grow.


Based on Materials from Rule One Investing website. 

Photo Credits: 

nattanan23/ Pixabay


Expect Best/ Pexels

